Empowering Your Financial Journey
Welcome to Melisa Boutin's portfolio, where personal branding meets financial education. Discover insights and strategies for achieving financial success.
About Melisa Boutin
As a CEO and financial educator, Melisa is dedicated to helping individuals navigate their financial paths and build their personal brands effectively.
Contact Melisa
Reach out about business, partnerships, speaking/training, or press.
Location Info
Explore our services in financial education and personal branding, tailored for individuals seeking growth and knowledge in their financial journey.
123 Finance St, Suite 456
Mon-Fri 9am
Melisa Boutin, CFEI®
Financial educator, author and startup founder driving financial wellbeing and financial inclusion in communites of the Caribbean and United States Diaspora
hello [at] melisaboutin.com
547 NY RT 32, No. 373
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Highland Mills, NY 10930
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🇰🇳St. Kitts AdDress
P.O. Box 1075
Pond Road, Basseterre
St. Kitts, Caribbean