Melisa Boutin, CFEI®
Melisa is a Certified Financial Education Instructor, author and former financial services Chief Executive. She founded her startup, Your Money Worth, to drive financial wellbeing for student loan borrowers and financial inclusion in the Eastern Caribbean and the United States Diaspora.

As Seen In

With Your Money Worth, financial institutions enhance financial literacy initiatives and deliver accessible, immersive & culturally relevant financial courses, content and social learning in one digital platform.
for collective financial wellbeing
Student Loan Answers Book
80% of Caribbean students rely on student loans to pay for college*. Student Loan Answers gives practical guidance and real-life examples on how to demystify the student loan life cycle, avoid common loan mishaps and slash high-interest costs.
*Source: Caribbean Development Bank
Caribbean Finance
Caribbean Finance is a digital media outlet covering all things money & finance in the Eastern Caribbean's emerging digital economy.
for collective financial wellbeing
Contact Melisa
Reach out about business, partnerships, speaking/training, or press.
Melisa Boutin, CFEI®
Financial educator, author and startup founder driving financial wellbeing and financial inclusion in communites of the Caribbean and United States Diaspora
hello [at]
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Pond Road, Basseterre
St. Kitts, Caribbean